Tuesday, February 18, 2025

SPOTLIGHT ON : The Hooks (written by Ghaz)


The 1968 line-up of The Hooks.


The Hooks accompanying A. Romzi (b. 1946) for the song “Ratapan-ku” (My Wailing) in the film “A-Go-Go ‘67”.

The Hooks were another pop yeh yeh band who appeared in the film A-Go-Go ’67. The members originally consisted of Hashim Talib (lead guitarist/keyboardist), Sawal (rhythm guitarist), Hosni (bass guitarist), and Sain Rashid (drum), before another member was admitted in 1968 to take over the role as the keyboardist.

In 1967, together with singer A. Romzi, they performed the song Ratapan-ku (My Wailing) in the film A-Go-Go ’67. In the same year, they were given the opportunity to make a full EP, in which the songs Dendang Remaja (The Teenage Song), Menanti Dewi (Waiting for the Angel) and Zunika became instant hit. Following the success of this EP, they continued to record three more EPs in 1968.


An SP and a few EPs by A. Romzi and The Hooks issued by EMI Singapore in 1967 and 1968.

Their songs could be listened from the following URLs, courtesy of EMI Malaysia.

Ratapan-ku (My Wailing) Ratapanku

Dendang Remaja (The Teenage Song) Dendang Remaja

Menanti Dewi (Waiting for the Angel) Menanti Dewi

Zunika (Zunika) Zunika

Sengsara (Miserable) Sengsara

Kata-kan Pada-ku (Tell Me) Katakan Padaku

Buru-lah (Hunt for It) Burulah

Ka-Tanah Suchi (To the Holy Land) Ke Tanah Suci

Ku-Kan Pergi (I Shall Leave) Ku Kan Pergi

Lagu Tiga Kupang (The 30-Cent Song) Lagu Tiga Kupang

Lumrah Ma’anusia (The Human Normalcy) Lumrah Manusia

Jangan Lari (Don’t Run Away) Jangan Lari

Ada-Ada (There Are) Ada Ada

Saujana (The Scholar) Saujana

Baik Untok-ku (Good for Me) Baik Untuk Ku

Pedoman (A Guide) Pedoman

Jangan Di-Nafi (Don’t Deny It) Jangan Di Nafi

The uniqueness of songs by A. Romzi and The Hooks is that they bore philosophical and religious themes, which suit conservative listeners well. Unfortunately, in 1970, a song titled Ada-Ada (There Are) was banned by the radio & Television of Singapore (RTS) on the grounds of it bearing drug-related issues, although the songwriters were trying to inject some mystery to the meaning partly to test the listeners’ critical thinking.

Besides A. Romzi, The Hooks also accompanied Sanisah Huri (for 2 EPs) and Hasnah Haron (for an EP) for their respective EPs between 1968 and 1969.



Chuti Sekolah (School Holidays) Chuti Sekolah - Sanisah Huri & The Hooks (Official Audio)

Mengundang Teman (Inviting A Friend) Mengundang Teman - Sanisah Huri & The Hooks (Official Audio)

Hari Libor (A Day Off) Hari Libor - Sanisah Huri & The Hooks (Official Audio)

Setahon (One Year) Setahon - Sanisah Huri & The Hooks (Official Audio)



Si-Baju Hijau (The Guy With The Green Shirt)/Mendapat Khabar (I’ve Got A News)/Chepat Pulang (Come Home Fast)/Tumpuan Ramai (The Crowd’s Attention)



Hasnah Haron & The Hooks (1969)

Mendayo Di-Sana (Rowing Over There) Hasnah Haron & The Hooks - Mendayo si Sana (1969)

Jadi Delapan (Becoming Eight) Hasnah Haron & The Hooks - Jadi Delapan (T. Hashim-Bima) - 1969

Siti Zubaidah (The Tale of Siti Zubaidah) Haznah Haron - Siti Zubaidah (Official Audio)

[Note: The original 1969 version of Siti Zubaidah by Hasnah Haron could not be found on YouTube. Instead, only the 1985 re-recorded version of this song is posted to guide listeners on how the song sounds like. I humbly apologize for this problem.]

Kesuka’an (Favorites) hasnah haron _ kesuka'an


Ghaz, KL


Credit to:

1.     Getaran Nostalgia by EMI Malaysia

2.     Life Records

3.     Shaw Brothers’ Malay Film Production

4.     Yudhie

5.     Nostalgia Hassny

6.     Berita Harian Singapura

7.     Discog

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