Tuesday, March 18, 2025




Les Coasters accompanying the late M. Fadzil (1940 - 2016) and the late Orchid Abdullah (1947 – 2011), who sang in duet “Ikatan Janji” (A Pledge) in the film “A-Go-Go ’67” (1967).

The band was formed in 1963 in Pontian, a south-west district in the Malaysian state of Johor. Members originally consisted of Abd. Mutalib Mansor (lead guitarist), Jamaluddin Ibrahim (rhythm guitarist), Bakri Sahid (bass guitarist) Hussin Salleh (drummer) and Ismail Yusoff (tambourine). In 1965, S. Omar Osman joined the band as a keyboardist. He then composed most of the songs recorded by Les Coasters and the singers they accompanied.

The band’s big break came when they began to accompany two schoolteachers, Orchid Abdullah (1947 – 2011) and M. Fadzil (1940 – 2016) in their respective SPs in 1966. 



Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Tunggu-lah Aku (Wait for Me) [1966]

TUNGGULAH AKU - OrchidAbdullah

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Harapan-ku Hampa (My Disappointed Hope) [1966]

orchid abdullah & les coasters _ harapanku hampa (1966)

M. Fadzil & Les Coasters – Chahaya Harapan (A Light of Hope) [1966]

m fadzil _ cahaya harapan(1966)

M. Fadzil & Les Coasters – Sayang Oh Sayang (My Love… oh, My Love) [1966]

m fadzil _ sayang oh sayang(1966)

Both SPs by them were well received by listeners. Owing to this success, they continued to make more records between 1967 and 1969, apart from being invited to perform as guest performers in the film A-Go-Go ’67.



Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Tunggu-lah Aku (Wait for Me) [1966]

TUNGGULAH AKU - OrchidAbdullah

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Harapan-ku Hampa (My Disappointed Hope) [1966]

orchid abdullah & les coasters _ harapanku hampa (1966)

M. Fadzil & Les Coasters – Chahaya Harapan (A Light of Hope) [1966]

m fadzil _ cahaya harapan(1966)

M. Fadzil & Les Coasters – Sayang Oh Sayang (My Love… oh, My Love) [1966]

m fadzil _ sayang oh sayang(1966)

Both SPs by them were well received by listeners. Owing to this success, they continued to make more records between 1967 and 1969, apart from being invited to perform as guest performers in the film A-Go-Go ’67.



Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Chari-lah Ganti (Find Another Instead) [1967]

DIGITALLY REMASTERED"CARILAH GANTI" Orchid Abdullah dan Les Coasters 1967

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Sa-Aliran Jiwa (Of the Same Wavelength) [1967]

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters - Sealiran Jiwa (S. Omar Osman) - 1967

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Seruan Kaseh (The Call for Love) [1967]

DIGITALLY REMASTERED"SERUAN KASIH" Orchid Abdullah dan Les Coasters dbp Syed Omar SyedOsman 1967

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Idaman Dara (A Girl’s Dream) [1967]

Orchid Abdullah dgn LesCoasters - Idaman Dara (S. Omar Osman) - 1967

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Bunga Kaseh (Flower of Love) [1968]

BUNGA KASIH - Orchid Abdullah

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Ta’ Ku-Sangka (I Have Never Expected) [1968]

Orchid Abdullah - Tak Ku Sangka

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Harapan Bangsa (A Nation’s Hope) [1968]

orchid abdullah & les coasters _ harapan bangsa (1968) - YouTube

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters – Hati-ku Untok-mu (My Heart is for You) [1968]

orchid abdullah _ hatiku untukmu



A soundtrack SP of the film “A-Go-Go ’67” in which M. Fadzil and Orchid Abdullah contributed their duet rendition of “Ikatan Janji” with Les Coasters providing the musical back-up.

M.Fadzil & Orchid Abdullah feat Les Coasters - Ikatan Janji (OST A GO-GO 1967)

 Another song from the same film, “Kenangan-ku” (My Memoir) originally by A. Nadar & The Zaraks was re-recorded by M. Fadzil in his 1968 EP by EMI Singapore.

M. Fadzil - Kenanganku - 1968

Meanwhile, Les Coasters also accompanied another pop yeh yeh singer, the late A. Ismail, with whom they managed to record three EPs from 1967 to 1969.



A.    Ismail & Les Coasters – Seruan Pertiwi [1967]

a ismail & the les coasters _ seruan pertiwi (1967)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Hidup Tanpa Pedoman [1967]

a ismail & the les coasters _ hidup tanpa pedoman (1967)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Perosak Jiwa [1967]

A Ismail & Les Coasters-Perosak Jiwa

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Penyanyi Puja’an-ku [1967]


A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Do’a-kan Daku [1968]

a ismail & the les coasters _ doakan daku (1968)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Pantun Jenaka [1968]

a ismail & les coasters _ pantun jenaka (1968)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Panduan Hidup [1968]

a ismail & the les coasters _ panduan hidup (1968)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Permata Hati [1968]

a ismail & les coasters _ permata hati (1968)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Pertiwi [1969]

a ismail & the les coasters _ pertiwi (1969)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Hasrat Penyanyi [1969]

a ismail & les coasters _ hasrat penyanyi (1969)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Rela Menunggu [1969]

a ismail & the les coasters _ rela menunggu (1969)

A. Ismail & Les Coasters – Selamat Bertunang [1969]

a ismail & les coasters _ selamat bertunang (1969)

Their permanent job as schoolteachers and their status as civil servants had somehow put a cap on the musical careers of M. Fadzil and Orchid Abdullah from expanding further. In an interview with The Edge in 2016, Fadzil mentioned that as a civil servant, he had to officially apply to his superiors to get their approval to allow him to perform either onstage or on radio and television (and such rules still apply today). Moreover, most members of Les Coasters have already had their own stable career in their respective fields of work. Their last collaboration in music was on two EPs made in 1970.




Kesah Dongeng Sang Pelangi (The Tale About the Rainbow) [1970]

Tak Mungkin Ku Senyum Lagi (I May Not Smile Again) [1970]

Desa Gembira (A Happy Village) [1970]

Bisekan Sukma (Whispers from the Heart) [1970]

M FADZIL Kesah Dongeng Sang Pelangi EGEP 688 , 1970




Gerak Maju (Let’s Move Forward) [1970]

Mastika Hati (Gems of My Heart) [1970]

Nasib Malang (Bad Luck) [1970]

Kau Ku Nanti (You’re the One I’m Waiting For) [1970]

Orchid Abdullah & Les Coasters "Gerak Maju” (1970) Full Album Remastered from 7” Vinyl EP


Warmest regards,

Ghaz, KL


Credits to:

1.             Shaw Brothers’ Malay Film Production

2.             EMI Records, Singapore

3.             The Edge

4.             Hamlau Lahabau of Muzik Nusantara

5.             Yudhie, Sarawak

6.             Nostalgia Hassny

7.             Madey Radio Klasik

8.             Dewi Purnama

9.             Joe Teruntum Garage

10.       Jefferniagaz

11.       popOK clasical


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