Friday, July 30, 2010

going back home

I feel so much love and respect for all the wonderful people I met over these past three weeks in Malaysia and Singapore. They gave me so much help and encouragement, offered me so many opportunities to learn. I am now back in the US, with countless memories, and so much good information to share about this wonderful era in Malaysian and Singapore music.. (as well as an immense respect for what I saw of Malaysian and Singaporean culture in the present day) I feel grateful and humbled by this experience. I hope to create something positive and meaningful from this trip and all the inspiration I have brought back with me.

Also, many thanks to BoingBoing and Kickstarter and all the people who supported my project from the beginning. This trip wouldn't have been possible without their help.


  1. I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful trip. Sounds like it was a big success in every way. Good luck forging ahead with your project!

  2. Thank you Dave, I really appreciate all the encouragement you've given me .. please keep in touch!
