Monday, July 26, 2010

Will post updates for the last week of my trip soon!

Hello everyone!!! I'm back in the US now, and I need to apologize for not updating the blog during the last week of my trip -- Things just got way too hectic... I'll be adding photos from the last few days I was in JB and Singapore as soon as I can.

In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who helped me during my trip. Everyone was so encouraging, which made me even more motivated to make things happen while I was there. The trip was absolutely incredible. In terms of research and networking, it was a complete success in my opinion.

There are always so many things you wish you could have done.. but I am so thankful for everything I was able to accomplish in such a short time.

It was great meet so many of the people who I had previously only known online. Now I can truly call you my friends!

I hope we can keep in touch until my next visit! I will definitely be coming back to Malaysia!

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